Chinese Heritage Association of Australia
澳 洲 華 人 歷 史 文 物 會
More and more Chinese-Australians whose ancestors arrived in Australia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries are expressing an interest in rediscovering their heritage in China.
An ongoing research project, funded by the Australia Research Council, focussing on the migration of Chinese from Zhongshan County in Guangdong to New South Wales is looking at how the descendants of Chinese who migrated from Zhongshang are doing just that.
The flow of migrants from China was not a one-way journey. There was a backwards and forwards flow of people, knowledge, culture, goods, building practices and money. The researchers have termed this a “heritage corridor”, highlighting the connections between China and Australia.
The researchers, Associate Professor Denis Byrne, Distinguished Professor Ien Ang, Dr Michael Williams, Dr Alexandra Wong and Mr Christopher Cheng, have been interviewing people whose ancestry is linked to Zhongshan to examine their efforts to maintain links to Zhongshang or to rediscover links to their home villages.
This research is bound to resonate for anyone who has been back to Guangdong to visit their family village or who plans to do so.
Join the research team as they bring us an update on this very important research.
For more information, please go to